Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A change of habits

We can certainly be creatures of habit. For around 4 years I get up every morning around 4:00am, make coffee, then sit on my couch playing Xbox or PS2. I then walk to the clinic, walk home and get right back to the video games. As an unemployed man, this is not a good habit and is certainly should lower on my list of priorities. Well, this habit has been at least disrupted as I've sold my PS2 to Gamestop and I no longer have an Xbox.
I want to start getting back into what I use to do in the early mornings which was learn new technologies, web stuff, read news, and learn about new software. I also was heavily into the Stock market and even had an account at an online broker (for some reason the name of the broker escapes me right now). I don't know what it is about gaming that I like so much. And I have no intentions of giving it up completely. I just need a break. And certainly need to prioritize my life. It's fine to play a game here and there if I'm working. But, as some who is unemployed, I should not be spending so much time gaming.
I got a book at the library on Flickr. An online photo service. Just to learn about new sites and what people are doing online these days. I've checked out and made accounts on Myspace.com, Facebook.com, and iGoogle.com. I want to learn more about what is being called Web 2.0. Which uses a technology called Ajax. From which I understand is not a new technology, but rather a combination of existing ones, such as DHTML, JavaScript, and XML.
I also have a long list of books that I want to read. Topping the list are:
  • The Engineer Trilogy (I started the first book and read to about pg. 150
  • The Halfling's Gem - The third book in the Icewind Dale trilogy
  • The Eagles Brood - the third book in the Camulod Chronicles
  • HaveMercy - a debut book by two college students that spins a new twist on dragons and got excellent reviews
  • Antony & Cleopatra (read up to around pg. 154
So, I should be able to keep myself busy in the mornings and away from Xbox and PS2 for a while. At least until I can gather enough cash to purchase another one. I mean the used Xbox's are going for only $60.00. I can't see that being beyond reach!! Well, just wanted to check in and write a bit for the day. Talk to ya tomorrow...

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